Thursday, July 5, 2012

The "Feel Good" Post of the Season!

Tonight's post is brought to you by the phrase "Awwww!"

Yes, I'm playing the "cute" card for this post... I will post content that shamelessly plucks your heartstrings! Prepare for blatant emotional manipulation!

Hey, at least I'm warning you ahead of time!

First, a candid snapshot of a US Soldier reading a kids' book to his child via a webcam in an airport somewhere...

Come on... how awesome is that? If that isn't the coolest picture you've seen all week, I'll eat my mouse. Simultaneously heart-warming and heart-breaking. It rates a full 10 on the Awww Scale.

Next, we combine a cute kid, a cute cat and a swing...

Admit it... when you saw it, you said "awww", right? Come on, admit it... How heartless of me to so shamelessly maneuver you like that! It borders on the criminal! Rates a 9 on the Aww Scale, I think...

OK, next, a video....

Of course, there are very few things cuter than Maru jumping into and out of a box. You know this, I know this... we all know this...

As much as I love Maru, I'd say that video rates about a 7.5 on the Awww Scale...

Next, the written prayers of young kids! I'll post two batches for you, since one isn't enough...

I have two more pages... I'll save them for another post, otherwise you might be overwhelmed by the sheer Awww of it all. How cool are those prayers? Kids are awesome.

I'd rate those a full 10 on the Awww Scale.

OK, before your hearts are full to capacity, I have one more quick video to make the experience complete...

Cue the iguana!

Come on, you had to know this whole post was a set-up for the iguana fart clip... you know me better than that by now...

I'd give that clip a 1.75 on the Awww Scale...

Well, I suppose you all hate me now... first, for the excessive Awww-ness... then for pulling the rug out... ah, well, we do what we do because we must....

Adios for now...

Dave the Predictable


Anonymous said...

The baby holding the kitty = 10.5 on the cuteness scale.


David Wagner said...

Beth: What about the lizard!?

Anonymous said...

I do not share your fascination with bodily functions, so I didn't consider it a candidate for cuteness.

Anonymous said...

Iguana was my password for my bank account...thanks alot Dave, now I have to change it...K

David Wagner said...

lol, glad I could help...