Friday, February 15, 2013

Look, It Just Had To Happen, OK?

Wow, look at those towering peaks! No, I don't mean my receding hairline, don't be rude...

Well, what dost thou know? The weekend hath arrived! Forsooth and hitherto and all that poppycock, etc.

Let me begin by saying I've finally done it! Just before coming here to write this very post just for you! I've found it! A mediocre movie starring John Cusack! I didn't think it could be done! But done it was. The Raven. On paper, it sounded great. John Cusack portraying Edgar Allen Poe in a mystery thriller whereby he must help solve the case of a serial killer who is using Poe's stories as inspiration for a series of copycat murders. I hate to admit it, since I'm such a fan of Cusack, but this one was weak. If I may make an excuse for him, though... I believe the weakness stemmed more from the script than the performance. But hey... at least he had a "killer" goatee... BUAHAHAHAHA!!!!

What else? Well, I also watched Triumph of the Will (1935), directed by Leni Riefenstahl, that classic, ground-breaking full-length propaganda film commission by Adolf Hitler himself, chronicling the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg. It was worth the watch, for historical reasons, and for aesthetic reasons, and also to get a good, long, close-up look into the eyes of a madman, and a nation entranced. Creepy and fascinating...

Like this...

"McHello There!"

And this...

It's a pillow shaped like a pool of blood... yeah, not sure about that one... Ethan would love this...

So I was all excited to go see the latest Die Hard movie... I'm glad I didn't. It's getting ravaged by the critics... Rotten Tomatoes has it cruising at a dismal 17% (was at 10% for a while there). I guess this time it paid to wait for the reviews to start coming in. Saved me some $$$. Now if I can only find a theater still showing Silver Linings Playbook, then I'll have something worthwhile to see! Man, that film got just about every Oscar nomination possible. I wonder if it will win anything? I like Bradley Cooper a bunch, but my man Daniel Day Lewis will be hard to beat.

And now, the largest glacier calving ever caught on film... watch it big if you can...

Incredible. Actually, that deserves all-caps. INCREDIBLE.

Wait, it deserves a bigger font size as well...


There, that works.

Also incredible is the footage of that Russian meteorite strike the other day...

Aww, yeah... end of the world, eh? That was quite an extended sonic boom... like a fireworks finale, or an artillery barrage .. Let us eat and drink, eh, for tomorrow we shall die, eh? A little Book of Isaiah for ya there... I've long believed that the second trumpet from Revelation 8 talks of a meteorite falling to earth in the Wyoming area and triggering the Yellowstone super-volcano... but I guess that's a story for another day...

On a related note, good thing we don't speak Russian, eh? That compilation is likely loaded with Russian profanity... I know if I experienced that power of that sonic boom barrage in person, I might lose control of my tongue a bit as well, lol... and maybe my bladder, too...

Two points a day...

OK, well, I suppose you've had enough Dave for one day... now beat it!

Dave the Lummox

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